The Importance of Getting Back to Applicants in Under 24 Hours
By LANDED Team • 10 August 2022 • 3 mins read

Why getting back to applicants in under 24 hours can make or break hiring your right person
According to LANDEDs’ survey of over 1000 blue-collar workers, only 18.5% of blue-collar job applicants say they typically hear back from employers regarding their application within 24 hours. Blue-collar workers expect to hear back from employers on their applications within 24 hours but fewer than 1 in 5 actually do
Meet Becky.
The year is 2022. Becky just graduated from college and she’s excited to start applying to hospitality roles and get to work this upcoming summer season! She is feeling ready to start paving the way for her career in hospitality. Summer in the hospitality industry excites her, the 3-4 months that she truly feels she thrives! The influx of people visiting after so much time away, hearing stories of what prompted the vacation or visit, learning about and recommending local explorations that visitors will be embarking on; she loves being able to play a role in creating an unforgettable experience for guests! Becky is experienced and looking forward to joining a team of diverse individuals working towards the common goal of serving guests to their highest capability. She’s taking her feelings of passion, excitement, gratitude and slight fear of the unknown with her as she applies for open positions!
After applying to close to 10 open positions, about a week goes by and Becky doesn’t hear anything. She thinks to herself, “how could this be? I applied to almost 10 open positions I am highly qualified for!” As her excitement quickly diminishes, the hours go by and the silence gets louder…Becky begins to question her career and if the hospitality industry is the right place for her after all.
Although it’s not ideal, she musters up the courage to reach out a second time. A few more days go by and she finally hears back. But the confusion is still surfacing as she wonders what took so long, “isn’t responding to applicants somebody’s job?”
Becky’s story isn’t unique or unusual. This is a common, yet easily unavoidable theme in our industry right now. If Becky had heard back in a more reasonable amount of time, she would probably be feeling a lot better about the situation and be more inclined to actually take an interview. Nobody likes a ghost! Once you post a job opening, it’s your responsibility to tend to it as you would a new hire.
Meet Jonathan,
The year is 2022. Jonathan has been in the industry for quite awhile now, some may go as far as calling him a customer service industry veteran. He has a diverse range of experiences and has explored many types of positions from janitorial to wait staff to his current bartending role. Jonathan craves more stability and consistency in his work and has been preparing for a promotion to a management position! Thinking his boss called him in for a promotional meeting, he unexpectedly gets laid off due to budget cuts. Jonathan is a widowed father of two and is looking to find a job as soon as possible, as he is the sole provider for his family. “If I hear back from at least one employer within 24 hours, my stress and anxiety would decrease infinitely,” He thinks to himself as he applies to the first 5 jobs he sees available that fit his qualifications. Optimistic, he hits “submit” and hopes for the best knowing that the timing or outcome is not in his hands anymore. Almost 3 whole days goes by before he hears even a confirmation of his application. His nerves and stress are at an all time high? “Why can’t someone just respond? Even a quick “no” would be better than nothing at all, I just need to know!” Stressed and scared, he waits by his phone for a notification while aimlessly applying to whatever he sees fit.
After a whole week, Jonathan abandons his self worth and long standing desire for a management position, reverting back to a lower level role. He thinks to himself, “Maybe I’m not qualified or good enough,” knowing how hard he’s worked to get to this place.
The list of reasons why someone would need or want to hear back on an application within 24 hours is long and growing, but according to LANDEDs’ survey of over 1000 blue-collar workers, only 18.5% of blue-collar job applicants say they typically hear back from employers regarding their application within 24 hours.
Results from the same survey reveal that 70% of blue-collar workers have at least once applied for a job and never heard back from the employer at all.
The year is 2022, this is an inexcusable act that can be easily solved with technology or other automated functions. Failure to respond can result in much more than an unfilled position. Candidates begin to question their self-worth, qualifications and abilities when Employers fail to respond. The loop of overthinking, over questioning, etc. can be a dangerous cycle for Blue-collar workers struggling to find work. Boost your candidates confidence by getting back to them in a fair and reasonable amount of time.
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