I had the pleasure of interviewing Fabbiha Nawal, Client Strategist for LANDED.
Fabbiha was initially connected with LANDED after making the transition from Banking to Tech. Upon learning about LANDED’s core company values, growth mission and then having an opportunity to meet the team, Fabbiha was excited to join such a thriving company.
I asked Fabbiha what inspires her most about working at LANDED. Her answer really tells you everything you need to know (and why it was so easy for her to say yes to the role!)
“The culture. The culture here is awesome, everyone is thriving and no one is afraid to voice their opinions! This allows us to bring different perspectives to help grow LANDED and better our company on a daily basis! The team — everyone here brings knowledge from different areas and cultures. We are a people's company and this is important for our continued success and has been one of the biggest backbones of our organizational success!”
As a people-focused company, LANDED is constantly leaving positive impacts through the work they are doing. Among many, Fabbiha feels the biggest impact she has made is “being able to support all of our clients and improve efficiency with the help of our Engineer and Operational teams.” That passion she has for her job creates ripple effects throughout every project she takes on.
Fabbiha works closely with our candidates and says she was able to launch and “own” a candidate project, which allowed her team to gain many interesting insights into the desires of LANDED candidates. Not only did this project give Fabbiha the opportunity to learn more about her candidates, but as she mentioned “It was a learning opportunity for me too - I was able to see a whole new skill set that I hadn’t deployed previously at any roles.”
Something LANDED has been hyper focused on is the Chat messenger feature and building out seamless conversations between our AI and our users. Fabbiha and I spoke about the problems LANDED is solving and what solution she’s been able to provide. “My favorite problem is working on improving chat responses. This is a huge part of what LANDED does and I am excited to already see some of the results our training has yielded along with implementing the feedback from our clients.”
I asked Fabbiha to tell me how her family and friends would describe her in 3 words. She said:
Energetic - [ en-er-jet-ik ]
possessing or exhibiting energy, especially in abundance; vigorous:
an energetic leader.
Smiley - [ smahy-lee ]
Cheerful; smiling
Outgoing - [ out-goh-ing ]
Interested in and responsive to others; friendly; sociable
an outgoing personality
If you could give a piece of advice to your younger self when you were job searching, what would it be?
“Be intentional! I cannot stress this enough, being intentional about where you want to go next and aligning your inner values with your job search can help you land a job where not only you are thriving but where you are fulfilled and always want to take things to the next level!”
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