At LANDED, we’re giving you these hours back by helping you hire candidates who best fit your business. We match candidates to you and automate the messaging and scheduling process, so you no longer have to do the manual work.
With hours saved a week on hiring, you now have time to focus on current talent. Here are our top tips for maintaining a high employee retention rate.
Maintain a Culture of Support
Workers spend up to 40 hours a week on the job. It’s worth the investment to get to know your staff, learn about their lives, and listen to their needs.
Caring about your employees goes a long way toward creating a positive company culture. Ask questions about employees’ interests and goals to get to know them better. This is also a great opportunity for you to share a little about your own hobbies and excitement about the company. With a sense of rapport in place, workers will feel comfortable bringing up any issues that arise–instead of just heading for the door.
A workplace does not just have to be a place of productivity, it can also be a community. And in a community, employees will feel more at ease and more likely to stick around.
Improve Employee Engagement
Employees want to be at a company where they feel their opinions and ideas are valued. Give workers a chance to offer suggestions at meetings—and implement changes based on this feedback whenever possible.
Investing in your staff by providing them with growth and development opportunities also ups engagement. Brief trainings can help employees feel more capable in their current roles—or help them work toward new positions with more responsibilities.
You can also set incentives based on productivity, such as naming an Employee of the Month, where employees are rewarded for their hard work and outstanding contributions. Award winners can earn a bonus, a special parking space, or an extra vacation day.
Offer a Sense of Autonomy
By giving employees more autonomy, they will feel more internal motivation. They will also take more pride in the work that they do, knowing that they have ownership in the end result.
Think carefully about what each worker needs to be successful at an independent level. Assign different tasks for your employees based on their skills, interests, and readiness levels. When they are ready for more responsibility, promote workers to new positions.
If employees see that you recognize their hard work, they will feel more invested in the company—and do more than the minimal level. Also, developing and refining their skills further will help them see a future inside of the company, further reducing turnover.
Turning Turnover into Retention
Increasing retention rates doesn’t have to be complicated. Start by fostering a sense of community, and then focus on making your employees feel heard and valued. With time, employees will be looking for a way to stay instead of a chance to leave.
LANDED helps reduce turnover on the front end by matching your company with the best-fit job candidates. By starting with candidates who have the right skills and dispositions, you increase your chances of finding employees who stick around for good.
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